Triple Pat

Worry less, sleep better

Our mission is to help people rest easy by providing a technical “sleeper dike” that is maximally independent of their other systems.

We want techies to be able to sleep better at night, secure in their knowledge that everything is working okay. Standard observability+alerting tools get things most of the way there and are a big improvement on the old status quo, but aren’t enough. In particular, when you want to guarantee that your services are running, you do that by running an alerting service. How do you know that the alerting service is working?

This is particularly worrying because the person who isn’t entirely trusted to run their systems is often the same person who set up the alerting system, and is also themselves! So whatever we do, we need to make sure the person who doesn’t fully trust themselves doesn’t have to do much to use our service.

(Warning: we aren’t launched yet. This website may contain broken links and incomplete descriptions. We’re building it a little more every day, and as such there’s inevitably some rough edges because not all the pieces are polished yet. Feel free to get in touch via email or Bluesky if you have any questions!)